Hearts of iron 4 supply lines
Hearts of iron 4 supply lines

o iptii-rai Knu jury iwiay irai met, at MlKnaloVKa, nine nines' " -, w,h, thV "! fwl" lnealer' fats. I Tn, air'o r.r.mmlininnr said cot these to he hunsr in the theiters r""a". i uvit, iuiu inr iwn columns prcsumsDiy, pramn'S )l K. The resolution also recommend - branches of I ncle S im's fnreps. resolution endorsing President JOOSet'll lor a lourui term. 21 OlD The midwest Democratic confer- encc today unanimously approved a. Fourth Term Wins Approval By Midwest Parley WASHINGTON. 2, then will shift to business firms.e ,'ruvo committee on the ous'rto ur?0 "-! of loci'r ous 10 urc pic tures or local - men ann w onipn in the. Will conccrtrat"- on thr-pc sates until Feb. Officials said that other com- inunities throughout the Mate also, were pb.n(1mg various celebrations and exhibit.- to stmulat the sale of the individual bonds. devotel to tne sale of bonds, January 27 and 2S. Citizens tere subscribed for ?18, - 700 worth of bonds. Ltah, had the count v to exceed its quota. ! the purchase of bonds and to impress im-press on individuals the necessity tor buying more bonds to finance the. Ruby Merrill, I i ! who is In the Marines. Merrill will be selling j j for Pfc Paul Merrill and j I her daughter.

hearts of iron 4 supply lines

Clinton I ! Lee, 2nd Lieutenant Garth ! Lee, and Private Sterling j Lee. I Scheduled for the remaind- ! er of the afternoon are Mrs. Eugene Lid- j ' diard will have charge Sat- ' urday afternoon for the first show. Frank Gardner is chair-! chair-! man of this phase and an-' an-' nounces that Mrs. As a bond Is purchased i the boy's name is entered f upon a plate in the lobby, i Mrs.

hearts of iron 4 supply lines

Each mother will sell bonds ' for her boy or boys in serv- ' ice for specified hours every j day. ' I An exhibit of military equipment equip-ment was on display in down-town down-town Salt Lake City to stimulate, ! I Starting Saturday at the Paramount theatre looby, service mothers will have charge of the bond booth. I Although sales have been j alow, officials said they were con-, fident the state would exceed its' quota of 522,000.000 in individual bond purchases and 140,000,000 total. JANUCOMPLETE UNITED PRESS PRICE, FIVE CENTS TELEGRAPH NEWS SERVICE War Bond Sale In Utah Rises To $2,175,009 Increased Individual Investments Called For by the Officials Wax finance officials In TTJtah called for increased individual in-dividual investments today as the state's sale of war1 bonds during the fourth war I loan drive rose to $2,175,000! worth. 163 UTAH'S ONLY DAILY SOUTH OF SALT LAKE PROVO, UTAH COUNTY, UTAH, FRIDAY. Buy War Bonds and gtv tho cftanf to fight INFANTILE PARALYSIS THE WEATHER UTAH Clear: today, tonight aad Saturday little change In temperature.

Hearts of iron 4 supply lines